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i won’t let her cry
不让你哭泣  detail>>
let her cry
出租她的叫声  detail>>
i won’t let it down this time
这次我不会再错过  detail>>
if i should ever let her go
如果我真的让她走  detail>>
better let him cry
还是哭吧  detail>>
let me cry
让我哭泣  detail>>
let out a cry of surprise
惊讶地叫了一声  detail>>
i won
我赢了  detail>>
i cry
搜一下 我哭了 我哭泣  detail>>
and never let her go
迷情杀机  detail>>
let her hold you
让她拥抱你  detail>>
let you see her
让你看见她  detail>>
please let her down
大叔,我求你放下她吧,大叔  detail>>
i won i lost, i lost and won
我得到了我失去的东西,然后再失去,再得到  detail>>
men shouldn t let women cry
男人不该让女人流泪  detail>>
she made her bed let her lie in it
她是自作自受  detail>>
and i won pull through
因为我迷恋你  detail>>
and i won’t forget the faces
我永远不会忘记那些面孔  detail>>